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Posted on 09/18/12 Divorce,Spousal Support

California Family Law Specialists in Spousal Support Issues In the recent case of Irmo Khera & Sameer, (2012) (filed from the 6th Dist. on June 19, 2012), the Court of Appeal decided on several important issues having to do with post-judgment modification requests to extend spousal support beyond an agreed upon time.  Husband’s dissolution petition

Posted on 01/16/12 Child Support,Spousal Support

Severance Payment Should Not be Considered as One-Month’s Compensation for Child Support Guideline In the recent matter of IRMO Tong & Samson, (filed July 5, 2011), the Court of Appeal held that a parties’ receipt of severance pay should not be considered as one-month’s pay for purposes of calculating guideline child support.  In the Tong

Posted on 11/21/10 Spousal Support

Permanent spousal support orders may be modified post-judgment Many recipients or obligors of spousal support ask the question, “Can a “permanent” spousal support order be modified?” The answer is generally yes. Permanent spousal support orders are subject to modification if the court that originally issued the order reserved jurisdiction over that issue. In most cases,