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OC Family Law DV Veterans Program The Veterans Domestic Violance (DV) Program was created in 2010 to resolve domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) matters in Orange County family court involving veterans with no pre-deployment history of domestic violence. A finding of domestic violence could mean a loss of custody, visitation and employment opportunities for the

California law presumes that both parents should have a meaningful role in the major decisions that affect a child and frequent and continuing contact with the child. The Court’s focus in making custody of a child and visitation decisions is on the kid’s best interest. Why then do so many mothers end up with the majority

What kinds of orders can the family court make after making a finding of domestic abuse?  Can the court award damages like pain and suffering? Domestic violence restraining orders are made through the Family Court in Orange County, to protect people within the same “family” unit from another person within the same family core, or

Fact Patterns for Child Custody Orders and Domestic Violence – You be the Judge Irvine Divorce and Child Custody Lawyers – Free Consultations Many of our clients ask us how domestic violence effects a child custody and visitation proceeding.  The answer is usually that there is a resounding effect on child custody orders when a perpetrator of

Irvine Divorce Attorneys – Specializing in Domestic Violence The California Domestic Violence Prevention Act is one of the most commonly used legal functions in Family Court.  Thousands of domestic violence (DV) restraining orders are filed every day across the state, including many within Orange County family courts.  DV can be one of the most agonizingly