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OC Family Law DV Veterans Program The Veterans Domestic Violance (DV) Program was created in 2010 to resolve domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) matters in Orange County family court involving veterans with no pre-deployment history of domestic violence. A finding of domestic violence could mean a loss of custody, visitation and employment opportunities for the

The February 2016 Shimkus case out of Orange County  holds that family court judges don’t have to consider declarations.  Then how do I prepare for my hearing? What is the judge going to consider?  How do I get “evidence” into Court? These are very real concerns for every litigant that is stepping foot into Court

Guide to help speed up the resolution of divorce cases Divorce cases can be extremely quick or excruciatingly long.  Whether a divorce case is resolved within a matter of months or within a matter of years depends on a variety of factors, some of which are in the parties’ control and some not.  A dissolution of marriage case

Irvine Divorce Specialists – Free Consultations An interesting case popped up recently in the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California.  In this case, Dr. Mimi Lee and Stephen Findley created several embryos when they learned that Lee had cancer. Now the parties are divorcing.  Lee cannot have children and wants the embryos to implant

RECENT SUCCESSFUL OUTCOMES FOR W&F ATTORNEYS Located in Mission Valley – Easy Parking – Private Consultation From time to time we like to share information about the successes that our attorneys have had in recent cases that they have been working on.  This synopsis is by no means an exhaustive list of every case we

How Child Custody & Visitation Orders Shape Child Support Guidelines Irvine Child Custody Lawyer – Newport Beach Child Support Attorneys (Free Consultations) Many family law and divorce litigants in Orange County, California, make the mistake of negotiating child custody and visitation orders without thinking about the financial implications of doing so. The statutory guidelines in

Posted on 12/30/13 Child Support

Child Support May Be Calculated Using Immigration Sponsorship Payments as Income In the recent unpublished case San Bernardino DCSS v. Gross, decided July 23, 2013, the California Court of Appeal upheld a child support judgment based on a non-custodial mother’s sponsorship money. The sponsorship money was paid to her by the children’s father’s parents, as contracted

INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL IN FAMILY LAW PROCEEDINGS In the recent case of In re Marriage of Campi, 212 Cal.App.4th 1565 (2013), husband and wife of a twenty-year marriage decided to separate, and then disputed over the dissolution of their marriage for the following seven years. The husband requested a community property home become his