OC Family Law DV Veterans Program The Veterans Domestic Violance (DV) Program was created in 2010 to resolve domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) matters in Orange County family court involving veterans with no pre-deployment history of domestic violence. A finding of domestic violence could mean a loss of custody, visitation and employment opportunities for the
By Brian Mullen, Esq. Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (“DVRO’s”) are governed by Family Code §6200 et. seq., also known as the Domestic Violence Prevention Act. In 2014 the legislature made a significant change to Family Code §6340(a) by mandating that any Orange County child custody, visitation and support orders entered while the DVRO is operative
Whenever the support of a minor child is at issue, the Court may order either or both parents to pay any amount necessary for the child’s support. In Orange County, a hearing on the issue of child support is set by the filing of a Request for Order (RFO) by one of the parties, or
California law presumes that both parents should have a meaningful role in the major decisions that affect a child and frequent and continuing contact with the child. The Court’s focus in making custody of a child and visitation decisions is on the kid’s best interest. Why then do so many mothers end up with the majority
The February 2016 Shimkus case out of Orange County holds that family court judges don’t have to consider declarations. Then how do I prepare for my hearing? What is the judge going to consider? How do I get “evidence” into Court? These are very real concerns for every litigant that is stepping foot into Court
In the recently published case of Schneer v. LLaurado, (12/9/2015, Court of Appeal, Fourth Dist., Div. 2) the Court of Appeals reviewed a case out of San Bernardino County involving the question of the “home state” of a minor child for purposes of determining what state should have exclusive and continuing jurisdiction to enter child
A “move away” case, or what other states call a “removal” case, occurs when one parent wishes to move with a child out of the state or geographical area. These are tremendously difficult cases to litigate and for family court judges to decide. 5 Keys to Winning a Move Away Custody Case in Los Angeles
Guide to help speed up the resolution of divorce cases Divorce cases can be extremely quick or excruciatingly long. Whether a divorce case is resolved within a matter of months or within a matter of years depends on a variety of factors, some of which are in the parties’ control and some not. A dissolution of marriage case
Irvine Divorce Specialists – Free Consultations An interesting case popped up recently in the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California. In this case, Dr. Mimi Lee and Stephen Findley created several embryos when they learned that Lee had cancer. Now the parties are divorcing. Lee cannot have children and wants the embryos to implant
What kinds of orders can the family court make after making a finding of domestic abuse? Can the court award damages like pain and suffering? Domestic violence restraining orders are made through the Family Court in Orange County, to protect people within the same “family” unit from another person within the same family core, or