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INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL IN FAMILY LAW PROCEEDINGS In the recent case of In re Marriage of Campi, 212 Cal.App.4th 1565 (2013), husband and wife of a twenty-year marriage decided to separate, and then disputed over the dissolution of their marriage for the following seven years. The husband requested a community property home become his

Posted on 09/10/13 Spousal Support

UNINTENTIONAL WAIVER OF THE ABILITY TO MODIFY A SPOUSAL SUPPORT ORDER In the recent case of In re Marriage of Hibbard, 212 Cal.App.4th 1007 (2013), the court refused to modify a spousal support order to an amount less than $2,000 per month, despite husband’s proven disability. The parties divorced in 2002, after thirty years of

Posted on 03/16/13 Child Custody

Yes. In the case of Moore v. Bedard (2013) ____ Cal. App. 4th ___, in 2006, Wife requested domestic violence restraining orders to protect her from Husband who is the father of their three children.  Her request for DVPO’s also asked for child custody, visitation and child support orders that would modify orders entered in

Posted on 03/12/13 Spousal Support

Ex-husband was paying spousal support to ex-wife and filed a motion to terminate his spousal support order because his ex-wife and her new mate had a “commitment ceremony.”  Normally, upon the remarriage of the supported spouse, the other party’s duty to continue to pay support is automatically terminated. The Court of Appeals held that in