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We often have Irvine, Orange County clients ask our attorneys, “How does divorce work in California”?  This page is designed to explain just how divorce cases work from start to finish, the different types of cases for divorce, and discusses the myriad of issues that may arise during divorce. Getting Started Divorce cases are started

California law presumes that both parents should have a meaningful role in the major decisions that affect a child and frequent and continuing contact with the child. The Court’s focus in making custody of a child and visitation decisions is on the kid’s best interest. Why then do so many mothers end up with the majority

The February 2016 Shimkus case out of Orange County  holds that family court judges don’t have to consider declarations.  Then how do I prepare for my hearing? What is the judge going to consider?  How do I get “evidence” into Court? These are very real concerns for every litigant that is stepping foot into Court

Posted on 03/24/16 Divorce,Uncategorized

A recent Harvard study answered the question in a decades-long “happiness” study Harvard recently revealed its multi-generational study looking into what makes people happy.  Was it money?  Fame?  No, the overwhelming majority of people found the greatest level of happiness in the relationships they shared with other people.  Notably, the study took place over 80 years.

Irvine California – Recent Case Law Provides for Unjust Division of Social Security and Pension Benefits In a recent case from Los Angeles County, a husband (John) and wife (Annette) divorced. Both parties are attorneys. Annette worked for L.A. County and had a pension benefit through her employment, and John worked in private practice and

Guide to help speed up the resolution of divorce cases Divorce cases can be extremely quick or excruciatingly long.  Whether a divorce case is resolved within a matter of months or within a matter of years depends on a variety of factors, some of which are in the parties’ control and some not.  A dissolution of marriage case

Irvine Divorce Specialists – Free Consultations An interesting case popped up recently in the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California.  In this case, Dr. Mimi Lee and Stephen Findley created several embryos when they learned that Lee had cancer. Now the parties are divorcing.  Lee cannot have children and wants the embryos to implant