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Posted on 01/22/12 Divorce

San Diego Divorce Lawyers – Recent Case Law Involving Comparable Sales Approach to Business Valuation In the recent, unpublished matter of IRMO Price & Turkanis, (Dist. 2, Division 8, Filed May 11, 2011), the Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court’s use of a comparable sales approach to value a community property business.  In this

Posted on 01/16/12 Child Support,Spousal Support

Severance Payment Should Not be Considered as One-Month’s Compensation for Child Support Guideline In the recent matter of IRMO Tong & Samson, (filed July 5, 2011), the Court of Appeal held that a parties’ receipt of severance pay should not be considered as one-month’s pay for purposes of calculating guideline child support.  In the Tong

Posted on 01/15/12 Divorce

Residency Requirement Law Altered for Non-Resident Same-Sex Couples Effective January 1, 2012 Generally, in order to obtain a divorce in California, one spouse must be a resident of the State of California for six months and of the county where the proceeding is filed for three months preceding the filing of the petition.  Either party

Posted on 01/10/12 Divorce

Want to Bend the Rules in a Divorce Proceeding?  If so, Prepare to Pay a Hefty Penalty. In the recent opinion of Irmo Davenport , (filed May 4, 2011), the Court of Appeal affirmed a trial court’s ruling that penalized a family law litigant the sum of $100,000 for her attorney’s bad behavior, plus awarded an